How to use Natural Biohacking to Feel 10 Years Younger


Biohacking is a loose term that people use to describe actions they take to improve their mental and physical health. It can range from making diet and habit changes to implanting devices into one’s body. Sometimes there isn’t much research to support the newer ideas of biohacking, so people take it upon themselves to experiment, using themselves as an N = 1.

There have been several prominent pioneers in the world of biohacking. Josiah Zayner, featured on the Netflix docuseries, Unnatural Selection, teaches people how to do DIY biology experiments at home using CRISPR technology. His goal is to spread awareness and increase access to genetic engineering technology. With his online kits, you can do everything from inserting a Jellyfish gene into bacteria to growing a culture of human cells.

Another prominent figure in the biohacking world is Dave Asprey, who has spent more than $1 million and several decades on achieving his goal of living to 180. Asprey has implemented tactics including taking up to 150 supplements a day, following his signature Bulletproof Diet, and using expensive therapies like transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) to hack his biology.

But you don’t have to be a mad scientist or spend millions of dollars to take advantage of Natural Biohacking.

Natural Biohacking is based on science backed techniques to look and feel younger. Research from The Blue Zones (the places in the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives), the USC Longevity Institute, and more are incorporated into the principles of Natural Biohacking.

It’s not as hard as you might think to add years to your health span and feel 10 years younger while doing it.

There are 5 basic principles that Natural Biohacking is based on:

And there are simple steps you can take today in each area to improve your performance and feel your best. Here are the most important things to focus on in each category:

Eat- Eat more whole foods. Limit processed foods and replaced packaged items in your diet with fresh foods. For example, instead of having chips for a snack, try cheese and nuts to satisfy your salty crunchy cravings.

Move- Move naturally. Don’t force yourself into a workout program that you aren’t going to enjoy. Incorporate activity into your daily routine. Instead of spending family time on the couch at night, go for a walk together after dinner.

Sleep- Take your sleep seriously. Poor sleep can make it impossible to reach your other health goals like losing weight or moving more, both because of hormonal changes, and lack of energy or motivation. Take time to unwind at night and avoid screens for the last hour before bed.

Play- Balance your life. It can’t be all work and no play! Find ways to connect with your community and do things you enjoy. Your play time can also do double duty if you spend time on a challenging hobby (like learning an instrument) or do something active (like going on a bike ride or hike with friends).

Grow- Set goals. Where do you want to be in a few weeks, a month, a year? Set big goals and plan smaller ones to achieve them. If you want to get in the best shape of your life, you won’t be there in a few days or weeks, but you will have to have a plan and take action on it every week to get there.

Which of these pillars do you think you need to work on the most? Are there any that you feel completely stuck on? Let me know in the comments below which tips you’re going to try- and reach out to learn more!

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