How to Use Nature Therapy To Beat Election Stress


Have you ever thought about taking a walk in the woods to ease your stress? With more than half of Americans expecting election day to be the most stressful day of the year, it could benefit us all to unplug from everything and spend a few moments outdoors. It has long been understood that sunlight can improve depression and seasonal affective disorder, and studies have shown that even 5 minutes in nature can improve mood and motivation! You don’t have to go long distances to reap the benefits of nature therapy either. Spending time in a garden or backyard, taking a walk at a park, or eating your lunch outside can offer the same stress reduction benefits.

Natural biohacking enthusiasts will also be intrigued to learn that walking in forest or park settings (compared to urban settings) has been shown to improve short-term memory, concentration, heart rate, blood pressure, cortisol levels, and even natural killer cell activity. A walk through nature in one group also led to a reduction in negative thoughts, higher energy levels, and reduced tumor necrosis factor. With so many benefits, it seems like a no brainier to add Nature Therapy to your arsenal of stress management techniques, but how do you implement it when you live in the city and spend all of your time working indoors? Here are 5 ways to easily fit Nature Therapy into your daily routine!

  1. Take a Morning Walk or Drink Your Coffee Outside.

    Taking a walk in the sunshine does double duty- you get the benefits of exercise, and it reinforces your circadian rhythm for great sleep! If moving that early sounds impossible before your morning cup of joe, find a sunny spot outdoors to sit and drink your coffee. A park on the way to work, your back yard, or even a bench next to a tree can do. You don’t need to be immersed in nature to get the benefits of nature therapy, you just have to be mindful of your intention. If you have just one tree, use all of your senses to observe it. Notice the smell, the lighting, and the sound of the leaves as you enjoy the flavor of your coffee or tea.


2. Bring Nature to You

If you don’t have a park nearby, or spending time outside before work doesn’t fit into your hectic schedule, you can still bring a little bit of nature to your home and workspace with plants! Having greenery around, even if it is just a few small plants, can make a space feel more peaceful and inspiring. There are plenty of plants that can live in low light settings, such as Snake Plants and ZZ Plants. They also require very little water, so if they are forgotten, it won’t be the end of the world. Pothos can also survive in a variety of environments. They require more water, but can also be grown in water alone, offering an opportunity to share a propagation with friends and family to spread the love.

3. Eat Lunch Outside

If you can find a picnic table nearby, you could get your Nature Therapy in easily over your lunch break. Several other good options would be eating on a patio or near a fountain. Remember to put away your devices, silence notifications, and avoid other distractions while eating. Having good company is always welcome, but replacing human interaction with distractions like scrolling through the internet would negate any of the mindfulness benefits you would gain from dining outdoors. If the weather doesn’t hold up, eat near a window where you can see outdoors.


4. Try Your Hand at Gardening

Whether you live in the country or the city, there are many options to grow your own produce. You can start with just a small herb plant on a windowsill, join a community gardening space, or plan out a garden in your yard. Look up the Master Gardeners in your area for specific tips and best practices. They can help with everything from picking which plants to grow to optimizing the conditions for growing in your area. You get the benefits three times over from this option- spending time caring for the plants offers the benefits of Nature Therapy, watching them grow brings joy and pride, and in the end, you have a nutritious edible bounty!

5. Plan an Outdoor Activity for the Weekend

While getting a small dose of Nature Therapy each day is a great way to take advantage of the mood boosting benefits, spending a longer period of time enjoying the outdoors on the weekend is one way to make up for a week spent inside. Plan a hike with friends, go to a park with your family, or enjoy some solo time in nature on the weekend when you have more time. For an extra benefit, leave your devices on silent to have a more immersive experience and use mindfulness practices to get the most out of your time outdoors.

How are you going to get in your dose of Nature Therapy this week? Looking for more Natural Biohacking Tips? Reach out for more information!